Saturday, December 3, 2011

Integrating ICT in English Language Teaching

Integrated EFL & ICT Lesson Plan
Computers have become a permanent part of our lives. As a teacher of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), you should try to integrate computers into EFL lesson activities and plans. There are a number of ways that you can use computers for EFL, both in your planning and in your classroom. Don't rely solely on the computer, but do use it as a tool in your teaching.
Allow students to play games on the computer to reinforce English knowledge. Young students in particular enjoy playing computer games. For example, with beginning classes, you can use software that's aimed at preschoolers to help learn spelling and phonics skills. Older students may enjoy word memory games.
Give students homework to practice English with their computers. To master a foreign language, students should spend time studying every day. When you give students computer-based resources, they can practice their English on the days when they don't have classes and still have fun doing so.

Using Programmes
Next, students will want to learn how to use the various programmes on their computer. To start the lesson, choose a basic computer program such as Solitaire that all or almost all computers will have. Demonstrate how to choose a program from the desktop or find a program from a menu. From there they can browse the programmes on their computer and click the programme they want.
Once in the program, have them close it and re-open it a few times, or open different programs. Show them how they can choose to close the program from a menu at the top, or to click the "X" button on a PC or the red dot at the top on a Mac.
More Technology Lesson Plan Ideas
Help students achieve academically by teaching them computer technology.
Computers have been central to student learning and achievement ever since educators realized the educational value of the technology. Students often learn principles of computer technology early in their academic careers. Teachers preparing lesson plans have a variety of options in teaching their students. You can teach practical skills, such as typing, PowerPoint or scholarly research procedure. Additionally, you can teach related, but equally important principles such as academic integrity.
Typing Lesson
Learning to type properly is important for students, especially because many formal assignments, such as essays, are completed on computers. Learning to type in school is one of the most important parts of elementary school training. In this lesson, student learn where to place their hands and where the keys exist on the keyboard. In order to perfect typing, students can practice in programs already installed on your classroom computer, including Microsoft Word. However, you can test students typing proficiency by installing a typing-test application to the computer. If you are not allowed to download applications, consult your school's IT department for software that is available. Alternatively, you can download typing applications from the Internet for free.
Microsoft Powerpoint Lesson
Microsoft's PowerPoint application is used to create and present presentations on an unlimited array of topics. Once students learn to use the application, they can create and deliver presentations in school or in a wide array of subsequent professional settings. You can teach your students to use PowerPoint by having them use an online tutorial. Several tutorials exist, including ActDen's "Meeting PowerPoint" website. The tutorial includes graphical representations of the program, and guides students to use the program's various features. Have students apply what they have learned by delivering a presentation to the class.

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